Download: Logstash Forwarder (with Windows Fix)

If you are working on Logstash-Forwarder on Windows then you may have encountered the issue below:
registry rotate: rename of .logstash-forwarder to .logstash-forwarder.old - rename .logstash-forwarder.old: The system cannot find the file specified.
WARNING: (continuing) update of registry returned error: rename .logstash-forwarder .logstash-forwarder.old: The system cannot find the file specified
You can read more about the issue and the root cause here:
This seems to have been an existing problem with Logstash-Forwarder on Windows for a while now. After doing some research, some people have already raised the issue and even suggested or have submitted a fix. For whatever reason, the latest version on master branch on Github or the download link on ElasticSearch download site does not contain the fix.
As I needed to run Logstash-Forwarder on Windows and seeing no immediate solution (read: a download link with the fix). I had to actually do something.
What I did:
- Download the latest version of logstash forwarder on github (as of writing ver 0.4) here
- Download Go here
- Replace the necessary files with the code fix
- Fix details is here
- Don't replace the whole file, the link references older version
- Read the code and replace the proper parts only
- Use
go build
on the logstash-github folder to build the app - Get the
- Run
logstash-forwarder.exe -config [your-config-file].conf
in the appropriate folder
What you can do:
- Download the exe file below
- Rerun logstash
Fix: Download Link
You can download the EXE file:
- Based on latest version of logstash-forwarder (as of writing 0.4.0)
- No guarantees or assurances that it will work (worked on my machine)
User sdegroot on github